
Welcome to my blog...

If you're visiting my blog for the first time...


Hopefully, you'll like my little, baby blog - 
I write about my travels, what it's like teaching and living in Korea 
and I share some funny stories about myself, my family and friends.

A friend told me that my blog is very much like me,
it's light and full of funnies, 
it's random and a little crazy,
and it's a mixture of colours...

At the moment, I'm 24 and teaching English in Korea.
But I grew up in South Africa.
Um, and I studied International Marketing and Business.
Oh, and I can't speak Korean AT ALL.

Before graduating from Stellenbosch University in South Africa, I had a little realization about where my life was heading ... eeek! and I really wasn't ready to settle down,
get a corporate job, and be a grown up just yet.

I want to TRAVEL.
Learn new languages, be creative,
do things that surprise even myself,
see things I've never seen, do things I've never done.
Appreciate every moment of this blessed life I lead.

Friends of mine had tried teaching in South Korea before
and one thing led to another,
before I knew it I was on a jet plane...

I like to laugh,
I love to travel, dance, eat ...
I write about what I've seen, and the stupid mistakes I've made,

This blog is just a non-sequential record
of my life abroad...

I hope it makes you smile.

Read more about me:

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