
Tuesday 23 April 2013

My story

My name is Liane and welcome to my blog ^^

I'm the one with the curly hair ;)
I was raised in South Africa (near Cape Town for those of you who have been there)... 
I have been blessed with wonderfully supportive parents and a loving younger sister.
A year ago I moved to South Korea to teach English (I majored in Business btw)
and am now travelling Asia in my spare time haha...

Growing up in South Africa is a interesting thing... Well, to be honest, I thought most of it was pretty normal at the time. But since coming into contact with so many foreigners and differing ideals I now realise just how unique my upbringing was.

Back home I'm "classified" as a coloured person (mixed race same same). For me this means that my heritage is difficult to trace... I'm not white, black, Spanish, French or Malaysian but I can trace my family tree back to all of these origins. I'm mixed, my parents are mixed, my grandparents are mixed, most of their parents were mixed and my dog is mixed. Hence the confusion this causes many people (my skin is fair, my eyes are dark and my hair is curly - deal with it people).

Other than the race thing and travelling, my life has been pretty normal I'd say, I had no real problems growing up and I'm one of those annoying people that actually enjoyed school, sport and all those mundane things.
I love life and laugh uncontrollably ALL THE TIME.

I was brought up Roman Catholic, and most of my immediate family are church-goers. Some of my dearest memories are of family sleepovers and my gran praying over me just before I closed my eyes and entered dreamland. It was an incredibly special way to be brought up. I realise this now more than ever.

Although I wouldn't call myself Catholic (don't tell my mom), I am a Christian and I try to live every day with light in my heart.

This is my blog of randomness, light, travels, crazy thoughts and daily struggles...

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Instagram @lianeaimee24 

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