
Monday 13 May 2013

Korean Travels: Jejudo

Jeju is a volcanic island off the coast of Korea...
It is famous for its lava caves, beautiful beaches and wondrous mountain ranges.

Because Jejudo is so removed from the mainland,
the island has even cultivated its own Korean dialect and culture.

We saw and did some amazing things during our brief stay there.
These include volcanic crater and lava tube explorations, boat cruises, maze hunting, hiking, beach tanning, tube swimming and yummy food eating.

Lave Tube Exploring...

Maze Hunting
Beach tanning & Tube Swimming

Jeju is a lovely way to spend a long weekend if you want a little relaxation,
or if you have a need to experience some of our world's natural wonders.

We are so blessed to live in such an awe-inspiring world...

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